My notes for the Part III Commutative Algebra course can be found here. There are three versions:
I've recently separated the by-lecture organisation of the notes from the by-subject organisation. In doing this, I have added PDF hyperlinks to and from the beginnings of lecture dates. This has been a bit buggy, so let me know if you have any trouble with it.
I've used the font Utopia (with Fourier-GUTenberg math).
(To do this yourself, use the Fourier
package. See
this survey
for other font options.)
It's not ideal, but CM is way too thin for the Kindle or 2-a-page version.
I intend eventually to post information about how I generated the Kindle version of these notes. In the meantime, contact me (znorwood [at] math [dot] ucla [another dot] edu) if you're interested.
Some PDF tools I've collected.